University of Cape Town

Faculty of Health Sciences

Department of Paediatrics and Child Health

Unity in Diversity Illustration

Transformation Action Gr



department of paediatrics and



Mitchells Plain Health District

PAEDIATRICS & Neonatology:

New Somerset Hospital

Diversity Children Hands with Paint



Victoria Hospital

Who we ARE?

The Transformation Action Group (TAG) was established in 2015 by the head of department and is comprised of members of the Department of Paediatrics and Child Health at the University of Cape Town. Whilst the primary site is based at Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital (RCWMCH), the committee includes representatives from other hospitals, divisions and disciplines that fall under the University of Cape Town, Department of Paediatrics and Child Health. TAG also works closely with RCWMCH management to foster an institutional cultural change.

Circular Human Chain


Ilse Apple


Shaakira Chaya


Louise Cooke

NSH Paediatrics

Denise Fredericks

Divisional Senior Secretary

Marc Hendricks


Rudzani Muloiwa

Head of Department

Modern Art Design Frame

Mnoqobi Nxumalo

senior registrar neonatology

Shakti Pillay

Chair/GSH Neonatologist

Aneesa Vanker


Jo Wilmshurst

Head of Department: :Neurology/African Paediatric Fellowship

Kate Balme

Poisons information centre

Minette Coetzee

Director of Nursing

Alan Davidson

head of department Haematology-Oncology

Kimi Govender

Medical officer

Tamara Kerbelker

Ambulatory and Emergency Services

Xabisa Mhlatuzana

Paediatric REGISTRAR

Adele Pearce

Senior Administrative Officer

Jawaya Shea

Head of Department Child Health Unit

Cara van Niekerk

Medical officer

Petula Wicomb


Undergraduate training



Raised money to contribute toward renovating the facade of the department in keeping with the ethos of transformation and inclusivity. We raised R 15 000 as a starting point, recognising that we have a long way to go. It was also a great team building exercise to foster departmental spirit, unity and health living. We had engagement from staff at different hospitals, departments and disciplines.

Garland Celebration Party Icon

Dear colleagues

Garland Celebration Party Icon

Please join for a mid-week night run to raise funds to improve the face of the fifth floor ICH building - all ideas welcome.

The goal is to have a "departmental hub" that is welcoming & inclusive for all.

Please click the link below to join the team.


Dress as crazy & colourful as you can.

Wonderland Elements Illustration




Start time

Simons Restaurant, Groot Constantia

Each runner will need to pay for the cost of their run. However, we will get a 10% discount if we run as a team. Please click on this link if you are keen to join the team, by Monday the 17th April so that we have an idea of who is interested to create a fundraising page and register as a team.

Should be great fun and I hope to see you all there!


Women’s Day

In honour of Women's Day on the 9th August 2023, together with Child Advocacy, we decided to support Section 27 - a public interest law centre that seeks to achieve equality and social justice in South Africa. The contribution would have gone toward providing workshops to school aged children regarding their sexual and reproductive health rights and the effects of sexual violence. Through education, the aim of Section 27 is to empower both girls and boys on their sexual reproductive rights and provide supportive and safe avenues for reporting sexual violence and ultimately reduce the rates of teenage pregnancy and improve reporting rates in these vulnerable groups in South Africa.


This initiative was started in 2022 with the aim to create a platform to facilitate interpersonal, social, and academic interactions, collaboration, and mentorship - to be referred to by individuals, managers, and heads of departments. It was meant to be a brief, living and iterative document that could be edited during the career of the individual.

The aim is to include all staff in the department across the platform.

Click Here Web Button. Click Here Sign. Push Button Template.


The “VOICES” sessions were introduced in 2015 with the aim to address issues of institutional climate and to open avenues for discussion around important topics pertaining to race, gender and sexual orientation.

The VOICES format has traditionally involved two guest speakers, the first to set the intellectual landscape and raise any controversies with the second speaker usually a member of the department who speaks about real life experiences. However, the aim is to avoid being too prescriptive but to empower the speakers to utilise the hour as they see fit to effectively communicate their key messages.

The VOICES sessions occur on a Wednesday morning between 08h00 and 09h00 and draw a large audience of between 100-250 guests which include full professors, hospital managers, undergraduate students and staff from a diversity of disciplines: We have had two sessions this year that were both very well attended.

This year the first “Voices” session was on Climate Change which together with Child Advocacy we hope to make a priority in the Department, particularly in light of the Climate Change Bill that was released this year.

The second voices session was an enlightening and well received talk by our junior doctors regarding their experiences.

1st March 2023:

Voices Session TAG in Collaboration with Child Advocacy.

Matthew Chersich: Climate change and children: impacts and adaptation options.

Louis Reynolds: Climate Change and Health

12th July 2023: "Voices from Junior Doctors." Andrea Budge, Layla Lombard, Charl Botha, Ilhaam Samaai, and Cara Van Niekerk.

Transferrable Successes

The Department of Paediatrics and Child Health (DPCH) were chosen by the Faculty of Health Sciences to present two benchmarks that were identified from the 2022 annual Transformation Report pertaining to “Staff Access, Support and Success.” The presentations were in the form of virtual webinars to allow other departments to gain insight into why, how, and who was involved in each Department’s success and contribution to furthering transformation in the faculty.

The two specific benchmarks identified from the DPCH were:

Mowbray Maternity Hospital Neonatal mentorship for neonatal medical officers

Groote Schuur Hospital Neonatology mentorship for medical officers and funding for nurses to attend conferences.

Congratulations should go to the phenomenal team of medical officers at both these hospitals who presented excellently.

Website created by Shakti Pillay 2nd September 2023